Mastering the Basics: The Simple Truth About Nutrition and Wellbeing

healthy eating metabolic health nutrition weightloss
simple picture of berries

Doing the basics and doing them well is what gets results.

This principle is especially true when it comes to nutrition and wellbeing. Yet, despite its simplicity, many of us get sidetracked by the allure of quick fixes, fads, and pseudoscience.

The truth is, just like in business, where consistent effort on core tasks leads to success, the same applies to our health. Focusing on simple stuff: protein intake, blood sugar management, nervous system regulation, simple healthy food prep, and nutrient density—can have a profound impact on our wellbeing.

Here’s why mastering these fundamentals is the key to lasting results.

The Power of Simplicity

In nutrition, the basics are the most powerful tools. Prioritising protein intake, balancing your meals, and eating nutrient-dense foods forms the foundation of good health. These elements may seem simple, but when done consistently, they yield significant results.

Avoid Overcomplication: We can easily overcomplicate our approach to nutrition. Case in point: continuous blood glucose monitors (CGM). The truth is, most of us don’t need to monitor our glucose with gadgets. CGMs can be helpful for some but remember that blood sugar is influenced by more than just food—stress, alcohol, and even lack of sleep can play a role. Fad diets, extreme eating plans, and the latest superfoods might grab headlines, but they often distract from what truly matters.

Consistency Over Perfection

Progress not perfection – I know it’s such cliched coach speak – but it’s true! It’s not about adhering to a perfect diet; it’s about making consistent, healthy choices that align with the basics. Just as a business thrives on consistent performance, our health thrives on consistent habits.

The Long-Term Perspective

Results don’t happen overnight. You won’t suddenly wake up feeling more energised or lose 7llbs in one week like you did on that noughties fad diet. By committing to the basics and doing them well, you’re setting yourself up to feel better over time, rather than short-term gains that may not last. The problem is we get tempted by new shiny trackers and ‘quick fix’ marketing campaigns, that serve to distract us from focusing on the basics.

Mental Wellness and the Basics

Your nervous system is the hub of your wellbeing.  By simplifying your approach to fitness and focusing on the basics, you reduce the mental burden of trying to keep up with trends or complicated routines. This can help to regulate your nervous system, which is a much overlooked, and crucial part of your health.

As I write this I can’t help but think about this…..

There is an argument to be made that if our diets were naturally composed of whole, unprocessed foods, the need for specialised diets and fitness programs might diminish. If we lived in a world where our food system supported and encouraged healthy eating habits, perhaps we wouldn’t need to work so hard to maintain our health. Instead, wellness could be a natural byproduct of our everyday lives, rather than a goal that requires constant effort.

But we don’t live in that world. We live in a society where convenience has become the most important factor when thinking about food, and where the food on our shelves often bears little resemblance to the ingredients our ancestors would have recognised. This shift in our eating habits has far-reaching implications, not just for our waistlines, but for our overall health and wellbeing.

The Bottom Line: Master the Basics for Real Results

In wellness, the basics are where the magic happens. The temptation to chase after the latest trends can be strong, but true success—whether in growing a business or improving your health—comes from mastering and consistently applying the fundamentals.

As a coach, my approach is to help clients focus on these basics. It’s not about finding the most complex diet or the latest supplement; it’s about doing the simple things well, every day. When you master the fundamentals, the results will follow.

If this resonates with you, and you’re ready to take a back-to-basics approach to your health, take a look at The Non-Diet Method, we start again on the 9th September 2024.